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We've been assisting in disasters since the

Joplin, MO tornado. 


Below are ways that you can help us be prepared when disasters hit by donating any of the following. When a disaster strikes, we will request more items that are better not stored. 



Battery-powered NOAA Weather Radio

Batteries all sizes

First aid kit supplies

N95 or surgical masks

Multi-purpose tools

New Blankets

New (packaged) socks, underwear, and T-shirts (ALL sizes including Child Sizes)

Tarps (All Sizes)


Plastic Sheeting

Duct tape

Manual Can Openers

Work gloves

Heavy duty trash bags with ties 

Toiletries: toilet paper, toothbrushes / toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, wet wipes, hand sanitizer 

Medical supplies (Band-Aids various sizes, Neosporin, Gauze pads (various sizes), alcohol (or alcohol pads), hydrogen peroxide (or HP pads), tweezers, scissors, medical tape, over the counter medications

Medical gloves 

Sun screen

Insect repellant 

ex. Aspirin, Imodium A-D, Alka- Seltzer, Tums)

First Aid Kits

Baby supplies; diapers, wipes, rash ointment, new (packaged) bottles

Towels/wash cloths






 "Unsolicited donated goods, such as used clothing, require the added cost of storage and valuable disaster response staff and volunteer time, which could be better used helping meet people's real needs.” 

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